It is noteworthy how little teaching is given on the subject of repentance in our churches, considering its importance in the New Testament. How often does one hear a sermon on the subject? However, that's not surprising. Tolerance is the "in-word" today and anything that implies that we are not all OK just as we are, and that we may have to consider making some serious changes to our lifestyle, is hardly likely to be a popular idea. There are nicer things to talk about than repentance. History records that a certain Jean de Labadie (1610 - 1674), a minister of the Reformed church of southern France, at one time preached 50 sermons in succession on the text "Repent ye." One of these sermons lasted four and a half hours! Today we have gone to the opposite extreme and don't talk about it at all. However, don't be put off by the unpopularity of the subject. What you learn could be a turning point in your life!