What peers have kindly said about my work

  • “Dick Tripp says enough to show that Christian faith rests on solid historical and textual data and that whose who dismiss the Bible in cavalier fashion are either sadly misinformed or unwilling to face the facts.”

    – Dr. Christopher D. Marshall BA(Hons), BD, MA, PhD, HOD of New Testament Studies Bible College of New Zealand

  • “I’m delighted that Dick Tripp has undertaken the task of writing this series of insightful booklets on different aspects of the Christian faith. He has a heart for evangelism and a burning desire to share his faith with others. "

    — Reverend Dr. David Coles, MA, BD, MTh, DipREd, PhD, Bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand.

  • “Dick Tripp in this excellent, helpful and timely volume, leads us to the Christian’s source book, the Bible, for meaningful answers.”

    — Reverend Derek Eaton, QSM, MA, DipTheol, Bishop of Nelson, New Zealand

  • “Dick Tripp’s love for Christ and love for sharing his Good News were a challenge to my timid commitment. “

    -John M. Hitchen, BA, BD, PhD National Principal Bible College of New Zealand

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