Life After Death
Why it matters what we believe
The shortness and uncertainty of life
Our views on the next life will significantly influence this one
The possibility of missing out on all the good God has planned for us
The reasonableness of life after death
The universality of belief in life after death
The nature of God
The witness of science
Evidence from nature
The fact of revelation
The resurrection of Jesus and the faith of believers
Our ingrained sense of justice
The nature of Christian conversion
Resurrection, not reincarnation
The guarantee of resurrection
The nature of the resurrection body
Hope for the physically and mentally challenged
Between death and resurrection
The nature of Heaven
Heaven is real
Heaven is God centred
Heaven is for relationships
A place of joy
A place for creativity, growth and service
Stories of faith
What about Judgement?
Our accountability to God
Jesus our judge
Keeping perspective
Judgement and the nature of God: love and anger
The basis on which judgement will be made
Christians included in the judgement
A symbol of mercy
The future of unbelievers
Some background to the discussion
Separation and the shut door
What about those who have not heard the gospel?
An appropriate response
A choice to be made
Looking for the Sunrise
Treasure Up in Heaven
A Traveller's Guide to Heaven
The King and the Fool
Will you meet me at the fountain?
In every age death has held a perennial fascination for men and women and there is a plethora of ideas about death and especially what lies beyond ‹ every religion has its philosophy on this matter. However, Biblical Christianity is unique in what it claims happens after we die.
Life beyond death is, I believe, an essential part of the Good News God has revealed in Jesus Christ. Moreover it is a part of Christian teaching that has become increasingly neglected over recent decades. There is widespread misunderstanding of what science and technology does and does not say in this area. We have, in the West, had a priceless treasure stolen from us without realising it. this has led to a lack of assurance and understanding of God's provision and keeping power in many lives.
How can we know about such things? Is your guess as good as mine? In this age of pluralism can we know the truth?
Dick Tripp in this excellent, helpful and timely volume, leads us to the Christian's source book, the Bible, for meaningful answers. Answers that underscore once again what a loving, caring God we have who has made every provision that we could ever need for this life and for eternity.
Derek Easton QSM, MA, DipTheol., Bishop of Nelson, New Zealand