
  • Why it matters what we believe

    The shortness and uncertainty of life

    Our views on the next life will significantly influence this one

    The possibility of missing out on all the good God has planned for us

  • The reasonableness of life after death

    The universality of belief in life after death

    The nature of God

    The witness of science

    Evidence from nature

    The fact of revelation

    The resurrection of Jesus and the faith of believers

    Our ingrained sense of justice

  • The nature of Christian conversion

  • Resurrection, not reincarnation

    The guarantee of resurrection

    The nature of the resurrection body

    Hope for the physically and mentally challenged

  • Between death and resurrection

  • The nature of Heaven

    Heaven is real

    Heaven is God centred

    Heaven is for relationships

    A place of joy

    A place for creativity, growth and service

  • Stories of faith

  • What about Judgement?

    Our accountability to God

    Jesus our judge

    Keeping perspective

    Judgement and the nature of God: love and anger

    The basis on which judgement will be made

    Christians included in the judgement

    A symbol of mercy

  • The future of unbelievers

    Some background to the discussion

    Separation and the shut door

    What about those who have not heard the gospel?

    An appropriate response

  • A choice to be made

  • Appendices

    Looking for the Sunrise

    Treasure Up in Heaven

    A Traveller's Guide to Heaven



    The King and the Fool

    Will you meet me at the fountain?

The purpose of this booklet is to look in some depth at the important issues surrounding death. In Part 1 I will look at questions such as: does it matter what we believe anyway, why do we avoid talking about it, can we confidently assume that there is life after death? In Part 2 I will present the Christian view of death and what lies beyond.

I won't avoid the difficult question of judgement and the possibility of missing out on all that God has planned for his people, issues that the New Testament speaks so plainly and consistently about. However, for those who are searching for a real relationship with the living God, I have a glorious message of hope and certainty. You don't have to go through life with any doubt about the future. On the contrary, if you are willing to accept all that God offers, on his terms, you will be able to look forward with certainty to an endless future in which you will experience all that God, in his infinite love and wisdom, has planned for you.

You will also find it a hope that will transform your goals and values and understanding of every part of this present life. My prayer is that you will be greatly blessed as you make the journey.