The Church praising hands - Exploring Faith Today Series

The Church

The Church ebook cover


  • Laying the foundations

    The purpose of this booklet

    What is a Christian ?

    What is the Church ?

    The importance of truth

    Where to start ?

  • Qualities of the Triune God

    God is personal and exists in relationships

    Equality within the Trinity

    The unity of the Trinity

    The love of the Trinity

    The creativity of God

  • The nature of the Church

    The Old Testament emphasis on community

    The community of the church

    The New Testament emphasis on relationships

    The importance of small groups

    The function of leadership

    The ministry of women

    The New Testament foundation for unity

    New Testament images of the church

    What about denominations

  • The mission of the church

    The witness of a united church

    Jesus, the model for ministry

    Love focuses outwards

  • The church and creation

    We share God's creativity

    God's attitude to his material creation

    Our responsibility to creation


Dick Tripp writes with clarity and insight. I have enjoyed several of his books and this one is no exception. In tackling the subject of the Church, he has chosen an important topic. There is no doubt that the Church today is under pressure. Declining numbers and ageing populations in some mainline congregations, divisions and splits in other congregations, pastoral dropout rates, and many Christians opting out of Church life or drifting from congregations with very little commitment, all threaten the health and viability of modern day congregations.

What will be the face of the church in the year 2020? An interesting question, I would suggest. We are living in a post-denominational era; the average under-35-year-old has very little denominational allegiance. What will this mean for denominational structures and budgets in the next millennium?

Dick's book gives an excellent summary of the essential features that need to be considered as we address the topic of the Church. Starting with the crucial questions of what a Christian is, and the nature of the relationships of the Trinity, Dick progresses to a discussion of the Church, spending considerable time on the centrality of relationships (a topic close to my heart). His focus on the mission of the Church is a timely reminder of the fact that the church that does not focus outwards, already has within it the seeds of death.

Brian Hathaway MSc (Hons), DipTchg, National Principal Bible College of New Zealand
