The Bible

The Bible

The Bible ebook cover


Can we trust a book written 2000 years ago?

There is a general perception around today that the Bible has been discredited by modern science and historical scholarship. It has been shown to be no more than a religious fairy-tale, with little of relevance to say to our sophisticated, technological age. Only simpletons and fundamentalists take the Bible seriously any more.

But nothing could be further from the truth! Quite apart from the extraordinary influence the Bible has had in shaping and energizing Western culture (reason enough to view it with profound respect), evidence for the essential trustworthiness of the biblical documents is very considerable indeed. It is this latter point that this little booklet urges us to take notice of. The author assembles just some of the salient points in support of the reliability of the biblical manuscripts. Much more could be said. But Dick Tripp says enough to show that Christian faith rests on solid historical and textual data and that those who dismiss the Bible in cavalier fashion are either sadly misinformed or unwilling to face the facts.

I hope this little booklet stimulates much interest in its readers. I especially hope that those who have never bothered to pick up the Bible because they thought it a pious fantasy will be drawn to read "the greatest story ever told", open to the possibility that maybe, just maybe, this story is not only great, but also true.

Dr. Christopher D. Marshall, BA(Hons), BD, MA, PhD Head of the Department of New Testament Studies Bible College of New Zealand.