Saving Faith - Exploring Faith Today Series

Saving Faith

Saving Faith ebook cover



How can we know we are accepted by God? Is it possible to be a humble Christian and, at the same time, confident of our relationship with God - that we will be with him in heaven forever? In this very helpful booklet, Dick Tripp challenges us to think through the most significant faith issue of our entire life.

In 20 years of witnessing, I have never found a better question than that with which Dick begins his discussion. It helps clarify what our faith is actually resting on. We don't often realise what we are trusting in until we hear our answer to that question. It helps us begin to explore further whether our confidence is warranted or not. It also allows the witness to tailor the Gospel presentation to the person's spiritual condition. Then we do not attempt to offer someone something they think they don't need.

God wants us to be secure in our relationship with him. As Rev. Nicky Gumbel, the developer of the Alpha Course, has said, "Good parents want their children to be sure of their relationship with them. In the same way, God wants us to be sure of our relationship with him." The certainty of knowing our names are written in heaven, frees us to serve him with our lives. After all, Jesus reminded us that this was the priority issue (Luke 10:20).

May the reading of this booklet bring every reader the joy of knowing that this issue is settled for them, now and forever.

Anne Bowie MA (Hons), National Director, Evangelism Explosion III Ministries New Zealand