Guidance - direction


Guidance ebook cover


Principles and guidelines on God’s guidance

We all make decisions every day - what to eat, who to spend time with, and which tasks to prioritise. Good decisions lead to contentment and fulfilled lives. Bad decisions lead to disappointment, pain and inner turmoil. As the Bible says, you reap what you sow.

In 1996, while in Fiji, I made a decision that could have been disastrous. I was enjoying a reef walk with my wife, Helen, when I decided to go for a dive in the channel through the outer edge of the reef. The channel was a rip and I was caught for two hours in the darkness. I could have drowned.

Five Fijians who came out to rescue me on surf skis all tipped out. It took a lot of prayer back in NZ (Helen had rung home to say I was missing at sea) and two large waves sent from God to sweep us back to safety.

In hindsight I had ignored all available cues to guide me. It was dark so I could not see the rip; I felt uneasy as I entered the water; I ignored God's written instruction to obey local authorities (Romans 13:1-4) and I disregarded Helen's concerns. My desire to dive had clouded all other judgement.

So how can we make good decisions?

In this booklet, Dick Tripp gives good advice on guidance. His principles and guidelines will help. Don't be fooled into thinking that a quick eight-step plan will take the decision making away from you. God does not work like that. He wants us to think, to feel, to experience life, and to learn from our mistakes.

But more than that. Dick's approach will help us discern the crucial question: How much do you and I really want to follow the guidance God offers?

Andrew Saunders MSc (Hons), Dip Tchg, General Secretary, Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship