Eyewitness of Christ crucified


Eyewitness - ebook cover


The eyewitness reliability of the bible testaments 

We are born sceptics. While we are far more than reasoning creatures, we are never less than reasoning beings. Doubting and questioning are essential if we are to attain maturity. The integrity of the Christian way of life depends upon the trustworthiness of its foundation documents. If their message about Jesus of Nazareth and his life, his work and its outcome have no historical validity, then we may relegate Christian teachings to the realms of mere fairy-tale or mythical legend. If, however, these documents do have historical, eye-witness credibility, then no thoughtful person dare ignore their straightforward, factual claims. We welcome, therefore, a booklet addressing some of the recurring questions about the reliability of these New Testament documents.

Dick Tripp addresses the common-sense implications of the basic questions about who wrote the New Testament books, and when. Rather than becoming side-tracked by the related scholarly debates about these issues, of which he is well aware, Dick Tripp keeps a clear focus on the practical significance of such issues. Sincere enquirers, and doubters, will find here food for thought and fuel for strengthening their confidence in the reliability of scripture.

As a raw, new Christian in the late 1950s, my faith was enriched by a somewhat retiring young curate who brought regular input to a weekly lunch-hour fellowship in Christchurch. Dick Tripp's love for Christ and love for sharing his Good News were a challenge to my timid commitment. Now, nearly forty years on, I count it a privilege to add a foreword to Dick's mature reflection on the dependability of the texts by which we both have lived and worked in the interim. My experience is that where anyone dares to take seriously the claims of these historically reliable scriptures, whether Papua New Guineans, Scots or Kiwis, they still prove to be "the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes." This booklet lays a reasonable foundation for such a faith today.


John M. Hitchen, BA, BD, PhD National Principal Bible College of New Zealand
