It was about ten years old, I guess, when the challenge of Assurance crossed my path. Our diminutive Sunday School Superintendent asked us all to put our hands up if we were sure we would go to heaven when we died. Apart from the couple leading us, and perhaps a few of the teachers, no one did! Then she declared that she was certain she would, because Jesus had died for her.
My tiny soul was shocked. How could she be so confident that she was good enough to go to heaven and be with God forever? Much later I came to understand the precious and life-giving truth that it is not by our good deeds but by our knowledge of God's work for us that eternity is guaranteed to us through Jesus Christ.
In a time when the ashes of wealthy dead are being shot into space for a brief spell of star-trekking, the Christian confidence in real eternal life with God is an important living truth. Its relevance is not just for after death. How we see ourselves now in this complex universe can affect how we live, how we enjoy each day, and how we shape our lives. May this readable explanation help you find that blessed assurance that has given millions of believers grounds for great hope in life's darkest hours and a consistent purpose for each day they have lived on earth.
The Rev. Dr Don Battley B Com, L Th (Hons), D Min., National Coordinator, Anglican Renewal Ministries New Zealand